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EQUIP a mask that can see between dimensions. FIRE to drift into Yoru's dimension, unable to be affected or seen by enemies from the outside. REACTIVATE to exit Yoru's dimension early.
— In-game description

Dimensional Drift is an ultimate ability for Yoru.


Dimensional Drift is an ability that Yoru must equip before casting. Upon casting he enters a new dimension for several seconds, becoming intangible but having dampened audio and being unable to equip any weapons. Whilst in Dimensional Drift, Yoru can still use his other abilities to affect enemies.

Enemy agents will receive an outline on their screens when Yoru's position is in line-of-sight of their agent. The effect of this outline gradually changes depending on what direction the enemy is facing; if they are in line-of-sight of Yoru's position but are facing directly away from it, they will receive a minimal blue outline, but as the enemy rotates to face towards Yoru's position, the effects of the outline will become larger and include darker black wisps. The effects of the outline are only affected by the direction the enemy agent is facing in; the direction Yoru is facing in does not affect the strength of the enemy's outline.

If Yoru gets into close enough proximity of an enemy, they will also be able to hear his footsteps, but are still unable to physically see him.

After the duration of the ability expires, or upon reactivation, Yoru emerges back into the physical realm, giving off an audio cue upon arrival at his location.


Stat Value Confirmed
CustomReload Equip time 0.8 seconds Check MarkGame files
Windup Cast delay 0.4 seconds Check MarkGame files
Duration Duration 12 seconds Check Markv5.01
Warning Detection radius 15 meters
(footstep audio only)
Check Markv4.04
CustomReload Unequip/Return time 0.8 seconds Check Markv5.01

Update History[]

  • Bugfix Fixed a bug where Yoru could pick up KAY/O with NULL-cmd NULL/cmd active during Dimensional Drift
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug where Yoru would hold the Nocturnum scythe incorrectly after using Dimensional Drift


  • Bugfix Buff Fixed an issue where Yoru couldn’t drop his weapon while using Dimensional Drift.


  • Bugfix Nerf Detain now properly interrupts Dimensional Drift if it hits during cast delay.


  • Buff Increased duration of ultimate 10s >>> 12s
  • Buff Reduced unequip time 1.2s >>> 0.8s
  • Bugfix Buff Fixed a bug where the invulnerability kicked in later than intended after it was cast


  • Bugfix Nerf Fixed a bug where Yoru could use weapons earlier than intended when exiting Dimensional Drift
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug where the mask would flicker while running forward during Dimensional Drift


  • Bugfix Nerf Fixed various exploits allowing Yoru to use weapons before fully decloaking at the end of Dimensional Drift


  • Bugfix Nerf Fixed a bug where Yoru could use a weapon immediately after Dimensional Drift ended by exploiting an unwanted interaction with ropes

v4.04 Hotfix

  • Bugfix Fixed issues with Dimensional Drift not acting as intended[1]


  • Buff Duration increased 8 >>> 10 seconds
  • Buff Yoru is no longer revealed to enemies
    • Yoru's footsteps can now be heard within 15m of his location
  • Buff Yoru is now able to cast all utility out of his ultimate
  • Nerf Cast delay added upon casting Dimensional Drift, preventing the invulnerability frame on cast
  • Nerf Unequip delay time increased 0.6 >>> 1.2 seconds
  • Nerf Cost increased 6 >>> 7 points


  • Bugfix Nerf Yoru can no longer plant the Spike after using Gatecrash Gatecrash while Dimensional Drift is active


  • Buff Ult Points reduced 7 >>> 6
  • Buff Yoru can now reactivate Gatecrash while in Dimensional Drift
  • Buff Time it takes to unequip out of Dimensional Drift decreased from 1.0 seconds >>> 0.6 seconds
  • Bugfix Buff Fixed Yoru taking Decay damage while intangible


  • Buff While in Dimensional Drift, Yoru's minimap is now visible
  • Buff Enemies within Yoru's vision range, while in Dimensional Drift, are now revealed to ally minimaps, as well
  • Nerf Dimensional Drift can no longer body block enemies
  • Bugfix Buff Fixed issue where Yoru was unable to equip a weapon or ability if he cancelled out of Dimensional Drift right as its buffs activated

  • Bugfix Buff Fixed an issue where AimAssist was incorrectly being applied when it was equipped.


  • If Yoru icon Yoru's chosen melee skin is the Onimaru Kunitsuna, during the equip action, the mask Yoru prepares to take out of the rift will be an Oni mask instead of his own mask.

