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EQUIP a tactical map. FIRE to begin teleporting to the selected location. While teleporting, Omen will appear as a Shade that can be destroyed by an enemy to cancel his teleport, or PRESS EQUIP for Omen to cancel his teleport.
— In-game description

From the Shadows is an ultimate ability for Omen.


From the Shadows is a Mobility ability that Omen must equip before casting. Upon doing so, a display of the entire map will appear on Omen's screen. He can click on any part of the map to instantly begin teleporting to that location. This activation will also cause the minimaps of enemy agents to become obscured for the ability's duration.

After a brief windup time, Omen will arrive at his destination as a Shade for a short amount of time. As a Shade, Omen's vision is mostly grayscale and he is inflicted with a reduced vision radius. He will also be rooted in place, though he will still be able to rotate his body, as well as being able to pick up the Spike and interact with any map useables (such as Lotus's rotating doors) if any of these are within range. On immediate arrival his vision radius starts at zero but during his time as a Shade this will gradually increase, the rate of restoration getting quicker towards the end of the Shade's duration until the vision radius cap is completely removed.

While he is a Shade, enemy agents can shoot a bullet at him to cancel the teleport, returning Omen to his original position when he activated the ability. Omen can cancel the teleport himself by re-casting the ability while he is a Shade.


Stat Value Confirmed
CustomReload Equip time 0.5 seconds Check MarkGame files
Duration Teleport duration Total duration: 4 seconds
1.5-second windup
2.5-second arrival at target location
Check MarkGame files
Warning Audio cue radius 22.5 meters Check Markv0.49

Update History[]

  • Added Can now ping and see additional icons on maps used for ability targeting


  • Buff Now able to pick up the Spike and interact with other useables like doors while in the Shade form of From the Shadows without having to cancel the ability.


  • Bugfix Nerf Fixed a bug where Omen’s From the Shadows was not properly canceled if he was hit by KAYO icon KAY/O’s ZERO-point ZERO/point or Deadlock icon Deadlock’s Annihilation Annihilation during the windup before teleporting.


  • Bugfix Nerf Suppression now properly interrupts the ability if hit in Shade form


  • Adjustment The timing of Omen’s From the Shadows voiceover line will come in quicker to increase your discernibility.


  • Removed Removed the mouse cursor that was displayed


  • Adjustment Updated targeting visuals to help players with precision placement on the map.


  • Bugfix Buff Fixed a bug where Omen could become stuck in other objects if they were blocking From the Shadows' return location


  • Bugfix Nerf Omen can no longer drop the Spike or weapons while casting From the Shadows


  • Bugfix Nerf Fixed issue where Omen could swap equipables right after selecting a map location for From the Shadows


  • Bugfix Nerf Fixed issue where Omen could have his gun equipped while forming


  • Buff Omen can now cancel his teleport while in Shade form by pressing the ABILITY KEY again
    • Omen still loses all of his ult points if he cancels


  • Nerf Omen now immediately become vulnerable and no longer appears dark after leaving shadow form
  • Buff Attenuation radius of arrival sound reduced to 2250

  • Added Added Agent-specific cursor curve settings for map ability controls.


  • Bugfix Buff Fixed an issue where From the Shadows was not cancellable with certain bindings.
