Valorant Wiki

The Imperium Collection is a collection of cosmetics in VALORANT. Its contents were initially available to be obtained when the collection was first released as a bundle in the Store. After this, only its weapon skins can be obtained whenever they become available in a player's daily Featured Store Offers.


Weapon Skins[]

Image Weapon Cost Upgrade Levels Variants
Imperium Sheriff Sheriff Valorant Points 2,175 Level 2: Sound Effects
Level 3: VFX
Level 4: Finisher
Variant 1: Ruby
Variant 2: Pearl
Variant 3: Obsidian
Imperium Judge Judge Valorant Points 2,175
Imperium Vandal Vandal Valorant Points 2,175
Imperium Operator Operator Valorant Points 2,175
Blades of Imperium Melee:
Blades of Imperium
Valorant Points 4,350 Level 2: Animation
  • For each weapon, Radianite Points 10 per upgrade level, and after a weapon is fully upgraded, Radianite Points 15 per variant.
    • Variants must be used with the fully upgraded weapon skin set.
  • For variant models of each weapon, see this section.


Image Item Cost Category
Imperium Buddy Imperium Buddy[an 1] Valorant Points 475 Buddies
Imperium Card Large Imperium Card Valorant Points 375 Player Cards
Imperium Spray Imperium Spray Valorant Points 325 Sprays
  1. If equipped on an Imperium skin variant, the buddy's color will change to match it.
For other appearances of the buddy and player card, see this section.


A downloadable folder containing all the audio files on this page can be found here.

Kill Banner[]

Kill Banner
Base Ruby Pearl Obsidian
Imperium Kill Banner Imperium Kill Banner Ruby Imperium Kill Banner Pearl Imperium Kill Banner Obsidian
Kill Audio
Individual 1st kill 2nd kill 3rd kill 4th kill 5th+ kill
Kill banner and audio are only available when the gun skin is upgraded to Level 4 or using other variants.

Upgrade Effects[]

Level Upgrade Effects Preview
2 Sound Effects
  • New gunfire + muzzle flash VFX and SFX
  • New model VFX during gunfire
    • Jade eyes and mouth of dragon's head light up
  • New equip VFX and SFX
  • New inspect VFX and SFX
  • New reload VFX and SFX
4 Finisher
  • Final kill of the round plays a finisher VFX
    • A dragon and several crystals rise from the ground underneath the victim. The dragon flies around overhead while the crystals float around the victim, before the dragon stop to glare at the victim, causing the crystals to collapse in and fully encase them.
    • The VFX colors match the variant color of the skin used.
Level Upgrade Effects Preview
1 Base
2 Animation
  • Agent now dual wields two blades
  • New equip animation and SFX
  • New inspect animation and SFX
  • New slash SFX and animations utilizing both melees


Cosmetic Appearance
Weapon Skins
Weapon Variants
Ruby Pearl Obsidian
Sheriff Imperium Sheriff Ruby Imperium Sheriff Pearl Imperium Sheriff Obsidian
Judge Imperium Judge Ruby Imperium Judge Pearl Imperium Judge Obsidian
Vandal Imperium Vandal Ruby Imperium Vandal Pearl Imperium Vandal Obsidian
Operator Imperium Operator Ruby Imperium Operator Pearl Imperium Operator Obsidian
Blades of Imperium
Blades of Imperium Ruby Blades of Imperium Pearl Blades of Imperium Obsidian
Player Cards
Imperium Card
Imperium Card Large Imperium Card Wide Imperium Card Small
Card Banner Avatar
Imperium Buddy
Imperium Buddy Ruby Imperium Buddy Pearl Imperium Buddy Obsidian
Ruby Pearl Obsidian


  • In patch 8.07, Imperium, along with EP 6 Magepunk, Mystbloom and Primordium, had a bug causing their weapon skins to see through walls when inspecting weapons from level 3 and up for guns, level 2 for melee or using other variants for both. Hence on May 2nd, 2024, these level upgrades and variants were disabled.[1] This was quickly hot-fixed on the same day.[2]


