Valorant Wiki
Valorant Wiki

Each match of VALORANT takes place on a map. Four maps were available at launch, and annually a new standard map is released[1]. Overall, there are currently 17 playable maps: 11 for standard play, 5 for Team Deathmatch, and one made for practice and training new players.

List of Maps[]

A downloadable folder containing all the map theme audio files can be found here.


For more information on map rotations, see this section.

Standard play maps feature a spawn area for each team, barriers that limit accessible areas during the Buy Phase for Plant/Defuse game modes, and objective sites where the spike is to be planted. These maps are also for Deathmatch-class modes, such as Escalation and Deathmatch.

Name & Image Minimap Location Release Patch Theme
Loading Screen Bind
Bind minimap MA Rabat, Morocco, Alpha Earth Beta   
Loading Screen Haven
Haven minimap BT Thimphu, Bhutan, Alpha Earth   
Loading Screen Split
Split minimap JP Tokyo, Japan, Alpha Earth   
Loading Screen Ascent
Ascent minimap IT Venice, Italy, Alpha Earth 1.0   
Loading Screen Icebox
Icebox minimap RU Bennett Island, Russia, Alpha Earth 1.10   
Loading Screen Breeze
Breeze minimap Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean, Alpha Earth 2.08   
Loading Screen Fracture
Fracture minimap US Santa Fe County, New Mexico, USA, Alpha Earth 3.05   
Loading Screen Pearl
Pearl minimap PT Lisbon, Portugal, Omega Earth 5.0   
Loading Screen Lotus
Lotus minimap IN Western Ghats, India, Omega Earth 6.0   
Loading Screen Sunset
Sunset minimap US Los Angeles, California, USA, Alpha Earth 7.04   
Loading Screen Abyss
Abyss minimap NO Sør-Jan, Jan Mayen, Norway, Alpha Earth 8.11   

Team Deathmatch[]

Team Deathmatch is played on maps created specifically for the mode. Though most of their designs reflect the appearance of other standard maps, they are not based on physical locations (hence the missing coordinates), instead being simulated environments created by Max Bot as part of his revenge program against the agents of the VALORANT Protocol. Max Bot himself is also used as the game mode's announcer and has a visible presence in the maps' spawn rooms.

Name & Image Minimap Map or
country origin
Release Patch Theme
District Splash
District minimap Split 7.0   
Kasbah Splash
Kasbah minimap Bind
Piazza Splash
Piazza minimap Ascent
Drift Splash
Drift minimap TH Thailand 7.12
Glitch Splash
Glitch minimap 9.08   


Name & Image Minimap Location Release Patch Theme
Loading Screen Range
The Range
Range minimap IT Venice, Italy, Alpha Earth Beta   

Map rotations[]

Map rotations are used in Competitive, Premier and Deathmatch, keeping seven maps in the pool at once and disabling all other maps from appearing. Factors that can influence which maps are rotated out of the pool include player sentiment, time since release, planned updates, and the strategic variance of current and newly-released maps[2].

The map rotation was introduced in Episode 05 with the arrival of VALORANT's eighth map, Pearl. Keeping the map pool limited to seven was seen as the sweet spot in order to ensure there is enough variety whilst not overwhelming players with having to learn and understand too many maps at once, and also allowing them to go deeper on those that are in the pool. A seven-map pool is also ideal for pro play, allowing both best-of-three and best-of-five formats to give both teams an equal number of bans without needing to play the same map twice in a series. Starting from v10.00 of Season 2025: Act 1, the map rotation will update every Act.

On release till patch v7.12, the map rotation was only utilized by Unrated and Competitive. From patches v8.0 till v8.10, it was expanded to include all game modes utilizing Standard maps. From patch v8.11 onwards, it is now only applied to Competitive, Premier and Deathmatch.


Whilst pro play is also affected by these map rotations, changes to the map pool may only come into effect for the scene at later dates in order to give teams enough time to adjust to changes.

Maps Release
Starting Patch
5.0 6.0 6.08 7.04 8.0 8.11 9.08 10.00 10.04
Abyss 8.11 Check Mark[ro 1] Check Mark Check Mark Cross
Ascent 1.0 Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Cross Check Mark
Bind Beta Check Mark Cross Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Cross
Breeze 2.08 Check Mark Cross Cross Check Mark Check Mark Cross Cross Cross Cross
Fracture 3.05 Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Cross Cross Cross Cross Check Mark Check Mark
Haven Beta Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Cross Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark
Icebox 1.10 Check Mark Check Mark Cross Cross Check Mark Check Mark[ro 2] Cross Cross Check Mark
Lotus 6.0 Check Mark[ro 3] Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark[ro 2] Cross Check Mark Check Mark
Pearl 5.0 Check Mark[ro 4] Check Mark Check Mark Cross Cross Cross Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark
Split Beta Cross Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark[ro 5] Cross Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark
Sunset 7.04 Check Mark[ro 6] Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Cross Cross
  1. Abyss was only added to Competitive map pool in 9.0 and Premier in 9.02.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Icebox and Lotus were added to Competitive and Deathmatch map pool on Console in 9.01 and 9.02 respectively.
  3. Lotus was only added to Unrated and Competitive map pool in 6.01.
  4. Pearl was only available in Unrated. Added to Competitive map pool 2 weeks later.
  5. Split was removed from the map pool mid-8.07 due to an exploit. It was added back in 8.08.
  6. Sunset was only available in Unrated. Added to Competitive map pool in 7.05.
  • A green background surrounding the patch notes header cell indicates it is the current rotation as of that patch.
  • A yellow background surrounding the patch notes header cell indicates an upcoming rotation recently announced and is currently not Live.

Map Coordinates[]

Each map in VALORANT has a real-life location, with its coordinates shown on the loading screen when entering a game on that map. The coordinates are listed as latitude and longitude using degrees, minutes, and seconds. The seconds values are shown as letters instead, with each letter representing a digit[3]:

Latitude letters (N/S) Longitude letters (E/W) Digit
A Z 0
B Y 1
C X 2
D W 3
E V 4
F U 5
G T 6
H S 7
I R 8
J Q 9

The real-life locations given by these coordinates are shown here:

Maps are not currently compatible with mobile view. To see the map and interact with its markers, switch to desktop view.

Loading map...

Determining map selection[]

VALORANT uses a deterministic map system in order to increase the variety of maps players will encounter and vastly reduce the possibility of playing on the same map multiple times in a row. Once 10 players have been selected for a match, the system looks at all maps those players have played over the last 5 maps for the mode they have queued into. Any maps that a player has played twice in the past 5 maps are removed, before the system then picks the least played map from those remaining. If all maps have been removed due to the “Twice Played” rule, then this restriction will be ignored and the least played out of all the maps will be picked instead.[4]

Previous system iterations[]

Initial Map Systems Data

Data for map streaks during previous systems

From launch, VALORANT used a completely random map selection system that gave all maps an equal chance of being selected. For the duration of this system there were only 4 maps available (Icebox was not released until 1.10), meaning each map had a 25% chance of being selected with no other factors taken into account. The small map pool and equal chance meant streaks of the same map were very common, resulting in 72% of players getting the same map multiple times over the course of 5 games, 26% of which would get a map streak for 3-5 of those games.[5]

Patch 1.08 changed this system to be pseudo-random instead. This system would favor maps that were, on aggregate, not seen by the 10 players selected for a match, heavily punishing maps that any player had gotten a recent streak of. With the map pool still at only 4 with the introduction of this update, many players would still get map streaks at first, but as more maps were added to the pool the chances of these streaks got much lower. Once Fracture (VALORANT's 7th map) was released, only 28% of players were getting the same map multiple times over the course of 5 games, with only 3% of which getting a map streak for 3-5 of those games.[5]

Deterministic Map System Data

Data for map streaks a month after the deterministic system was introduced

Despite these improvements, many players felt that map streaks were still too common using the pseudo-random system. Though it heavily punished maps recently played by the 10 selected players, there was still a small chance of that map being selected anyway. In order to remove the chances of these maps appearing instead, the pseudo-random system was replaced with the current deterministic system in 4.04. While it's not possible to completely prevent map streaks using the deterministic system, it was still able to further reduce the chances of players getting a map streak for 3+ games.[5]


