Valorant Wiki

The Moon Scout Collection is a collection of cosmetics in VALORANT. Its contents were available to be obtained using the Season 2025: Act 1 Battle Pass. After this, only its accessories can be obtained whenever they become eligible to appear in a player's weekly Accessory Store Offers.


Weapon Skins[]

Image Weapon Tier
Moon Scout Sheriff Sheriff 1
Moon Scout Bucky Bucky 16
Moon Scout Outlaw Outlaw 30
Moon Scout Guardian Guardian 40
All weapon skins of this collection are in Premium track.


Image Item Tier Category
Moon Scout Spray Moon Scout Spray 26 Sprays
Moon Scout Card Large Moon Scout Card 38 Player Cards
All accessories of this collection are in Premium track.
For other appearances of the player card, see this section.


Cosmetic Appearance
Player Cards
Moon Scout Card
Moon Scout Card Large Moon Scout Card Wide Moon Scout Card Small
Card Banner Avatar

