Valorant Wiki
For the currency, see Radianite Points.

   That radianite must be ours!
— Cypher (Barrier Down)

Radianite is a substance that has become a major part of the Alpha and Omega Earths' civilizations after its modern rediscovery.


2 KingdomNewsReel2

Kingdom Corporation scientists experimenting with radianite

Not much is known about what radianite exactly is. It has no known links to any existing elements, nor is it declared as a completely new element. However, it has been suggested that radianite has some links to dark matter. The substance is known to be extracted from mines, then taken to refineries to be processed into a pure substance and stored inside crates. Radianite is mostly seen with a black or green appearance, though some radianite products associated with Omega Earth has been observed to have an orange color instead. Its existence has been known for a long time, dating as far back to at least the 5th century (if not earlier) when humans worked with the Guardians to construct the City of Flowers in India, utilizing Radianite to power the city's "Multiversal Nexus". At some point between then and the present day however, its existence was mostly forgotten about, with only the secretive Scions of Hourglass retaining knowledge and records about it. They claimed the modern world was not ready to be using radianite, and they even used assassins to murder people who knew too much about the substance. However, radianite was eventually rediscovered and reintroduced to Alpha's population around 0 YFL by Kingdom Corporation, in part due to the SoH's failure to assassinate the scientist Sabine Callas before its existence could be publicly revealed.[1]

Prolonged Exposure Warning

A Kingdom sign warning about prolonged exposure to radianite

After its rediscovery, radianite was initially known as a substance that provided a clean, safe and sustainable source of energy. It was utilized greatly by Kingdom Corporation, and within ten years they had grown enough to be able to produce three quarters of Alpha's energy. Over time though, it became clear that radianite had way more potential beyond providing electricity. Prolonged exposure to it was reported to result in "unusual feats of strength" in affected people. In the most extreme cases, it could inflict permanent supernatural abilities upon certain people, who would become known as Radiants. Radiants made up only a relatively small section of the global population and eventually became an accepted part of society. Though at first they were thought to only have limited levels of power, an incident in Venice revealed that there existed a rare few with very high potential. The incident also revealed the more destructive aspects of radianite, which was allegedly being used as a fuel source for a type of "bomb" that blew parts of Venice into pieces that became suspended high into the air, leaving Alpha citizens questioning how safe radianite actually was. Omega's population is also wary about the effects of radianite, questioning whether it is the future or a threat.[2][3]

Radianite has been used to power and augment much of the Earths' technology since its discovery. Some devices require a Radi-Core, a cube that contains solid radianite, to be powered, such as Killjoy's turret. A Radi-Core can be super-heated to liquefy the radianite inside, which will cause it to generate even more power. Radianite technology also offers a multitude of "space faring opportunities", likely in conjunction with the anti-gravitational properties that certain Radianite devices like the Spike demonstrate.[4][5]


Radianite Points are used as an in-game currency, used to upgrade weapon skins and unlock color variants of them. It is unknown if the use of RP as a currency in game corresponds to any existing currency within the lore.

The Ultimate Orbs placed around the maps are also radianite constructs that Agents can absorb to charge their Ultimate ability.


