A Vision Blocker is a type of ability that blocks line of sight of an area on the map.
A vision blocker ability is used to block line of sight on an area of the map. This allows allies to carry out actions behind or inside the blocking object without giving visual info to the enemy on the other side, such as moving between positions. Players should be wary that most vision blockers are not solid however and allow gunfire to pass through, so if an enemy hears anything happening they may start to fire through the blocker in the hopes that they will tag or even kill their opponents whilst they are behind or within it.
For most vision blockers that allow agents to pass through, their vision will gradually decrease until it is completely covered in a colored, opaque screen as they enter at the edge of a blocker, with the reverse happening as they exit an edge.
General Vision Blocker abilities[]
INSTANTLY toss the cyber cage in front of Cypher. ACTIVATE to create a zone that blocks vision and plays an audio cue when enemies pass through it.
Q(PC) • R1(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 2 Cost: 100 Duration: 7.25 s
EQUIP a chemical sprayer. FIRE to spray a chemical cloud in all directions around Viper, creating a large cloud that Nearsights players and Decays the health of enemies inside of it. HOLD the ability key to disperse the cloud early.
X(PC) • L1+ R1(PS5) • + (Xbox X/S) Cost:♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 9 points Windup: 6 s Duration: Indefinite whenever Viper is within, 8 s timer if she exits Debuff: Toxin
A smoke is a spherical vision blocker. Players are unable to see what is directly behind a smoke but can walk through them. Most smokes deploy on the ground as a hemisphere, but the functionality of a smoke or the elevation of the map around the deployment area can cause a fully spherical smoke to form. This can be useful for creating "one-ways"; smokes that are positioned in such a way that the user and their team can see part of an enemy's body beyond the outer edges of the smoke but the enemy's vision towards them is completely blocked.
Vision within smokes can either be clear, allowing the player to see everything within the smoke, or obscured, inflicting a maximum vision radius on the player while inside (similar to a nearsight).
ACTIVATE a Star to transform it into a Nebula (smoke).
USE a Star to Dissipate it, returning the Star to be placed in a new location after a delay.
Dissipate briefly forms a fake Nebula at the Star's location before returning.
E(PC) • ◯(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 2 Duration: 14.25 s (Nebula)/1 s (Dissipate) Cooldown: 25 s (Nebula)
EQUIP a view of the battlefield. FIRE to set the locations where Clove’s clouds will settle. ALT FIRE to confirm, launching clouds that block vision in the chosen areas. Clove can use this ability after death.
E(PC) • ◯(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 2 Cost: 150 Windup: 1 s Duration: 13.5 s Cooldown: 30 s
EQUIP a sphere of shielding water. FIRE to throw. ALT FIRE to lob. Upon impacting the ground, spawn a destructible water shield that blocks bullets.
Q(PC) • R1(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 1 Cost: 350 Windup: 0.8 s Duration: 15 s Health: 500 HP
EQUIP a shadow orb, entering a phased world to place and target the orbs. PRESS the ability key to throw the shadow orb to the marked location, creating a long-lasting shadow sphere that blocks vision. HOLD FIRE while targeting to move the marker further away. HOLD ALT FIRE while targeting to move the marker closer. PRESS RELOAD to toggle normal targeting view.
E(PC) • ◯(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 2 Cost: 150 Duration: 15 s Cooldown: 30 s
EQUIP a tactical map. FIRE to set locations where Brimstone's smoke clouds will land. ALT FIRE to confirm, launching long-lasting smoke clouds that block vision in the selected area.
E(PC) • ◯(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 3 Cost: 100 Duration: 19.25 s
INSTANTLY throw a projectile that expands into a brief vision-blocking cloud on impact with a surface. HOLD the ability key to curve the smoke in the direction of your crosshair.
C(PC) • L1(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 2 Cost: 200 Duration: 2.5 s
EQUIP a gas emitter. FIRE to throw the emitter that perpetually remains throughout the round. ALT FIRE to lob. RE-USE the ability to create a toxic gas cloud at the cost of fuel. This ability can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED before the round starts and can be RE-USED more than once throughout the round.
Q(PC) • R1(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 1 Cost: 200 Duration: Minimum 2 s Cooldown: 5 s (after deactivation) Debuff: Toxin
A wall is a linear or rectangular vision blocker. Players are unable to see what is directly behind a wall. Most walls allow agents to walk through them and throw utility through them, though some walls may also block agents, utility, and/or gunfire from passing through.
EQUIP a wave of water. FIRE to send the wave rolling forward and through walls. RE-USE to stop the wave. Players hit are Slowed.
C(PC) • L1(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 2 Cost: 150 Duration: 7 s (whilst stationary) Debuff: 30% Slow
EQUIP a wall of water. FIRE to send the water forward along the ground. HOLD FIRE to guide the water in the direction of your crosshair, passing through the world, spawning a wall along the water's path. ALT FIRE while bending to stop the water early. Players hit are Slowed.
E(PC) • ◯(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 1 Cost:Free Windup: 2 s Duration: 15 s Cooldown: 40 s Debuff: 30% Slow
EQUIP a flame wall. FIRE to create a line of flame that moves forward, creating a wall of fire that blocks vision and damages players passing through it. HOLD FIRE to bend the wall in the direction of your crosshair.
C(PC) • L1(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 1 Cost: 150 Duration: 8 s Damage: 30/s
FIRE two energy lines forward on the ground that extend a short distance or until they hit a surface. The lines rise into walls of static electricity that block vision.
C(PC) • L1(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 1 Cost: 300 Duration: 4 s
EQUIP a gas emitter launcher that penetrates terrain. FIRE to deploy a long line of gas emitters. RE-USE the ability to create a tall wall of toxic gas at the cost of fuel. This ability can be RE-USED more than once.
E(PC) • ◯(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 1 Cost:Free Duration: Minimum 2 s Cooldown: 5 s (after deactivation) Debuff: Toxin
Blocks gunfire[]
When Cosmic Divide is charged, use ALT FIRE in Astral Form to begin aiming it, then FIRE to select two locations. An infinite Cosmic Divide connects the two points you select. Cosmic Divide blocks bullets and sound.
X(PC) • L1+ R1(PS5) • + (Xbox X/S) Cost:♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 7 points Duration: 21 s (effective total duration)
EQUIP to assemble prismatic energy. FIRE to push an indestructible wall of energy forward that blocks bullets.
C(PC) • L1(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 1 Cost: 200 Duration: 4.6 s (minimum at full size)
Barriers block gunfire and abilities, and also prevent agents from moving through them.
EQUIP a barrier orb. FIRE places a wall that fortifies after a few seconds. ALT FIRE rotates the targeter.
C(PC) • L1(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 1 Cost: 400 Windup: 3.3 s for fortification Duration: 40 s Health: 400 HP, 800 HP when fortified
EQUIP filaments of liquid metal. FIRE to place a hidden wall trap. When an enemy crosses, an indestructible wall bursts from the ground behind them. The wall lasts for a brief time before dissipating.
Q(PC) • R1(PS5) • (Xbox X/S) Uses: 1 Cost: 200 Windup: 0.8 s Duration: 7.8 s